Tilia – diffuser

R064 pour fiche produit

Labelled model



2 Years

Availability of replacement parts

5 Years
Start of labelling : January 2022
End of labelling :January 2025

Control organisation

APAVE certification
Certificate number

Product description :

Tilia is a durable and repairable diffuser. To design Tilia, Nature & Découvertes’ product teams identified the most fragile parts of an essential oil diffuser and the easiest to replace, in order to provide solutions. In this adventure where aesthetics are as important as practicality, Nature & Découvertes was accompanied by the designers Les Sismo. Tilia is a diffuser with a pure design that lets out a mist highlighted by a halo of light. The materials are chosen for their resistance and durability: stainless steel, oak wood and glass. The diffuser can be disassembled, allowing for better maintenance of the water tank and easy replacement of the membrane needed to form the mist.

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